David Carradine

July 25, 2009

AHHHHHHHHHH: Forgot I had this draft

Just read a blog blaming sleezy tabloids for publishing crime scene photos of David Carradine. Well a couple of things, blame the media all you want it’s the public’s thirst for this crap that fuels that fire, if  it weren’t gonna sell papers would they bother-no. Would there be all the Photogs chasing celebrities, taking video of horrific events, or paying off some under paid cop for some pictures if there wasn’t a call for it?  My oh my about 5 years ago I worked with people who talked about a site called faces of death and it was just that(so they told me I had no desire to look) what the hell is that all about?  I heard it said one time it’s part of the human condition the half open curtains, the accident on the freeway, or the girl bending over way too far in the short skirt we have to look, whether out of perversion or disgust we look. To those of you who watch ,read, or google the news is it to stay informed or is there an underlying desire to see death and destruction or the latest dirt they just dug up on someone?

And on to the second thing what was he doing, what was he in to, who cares? I have an adult’s only site hurtzsogood.com and there are somethings I don’t want to look at, but on the flip side who am I to judge, who are you to judge?  The major probelm with the world in which we live is the it  can’t be me I am the average Joe who don’t hurt nobody attitude. You don’t have to be a flag waving, gun toting, or bible thumping maniac to be a part of the problem, do you peek out of the corner of your eye at the tabloids while standing in line at the market? Do you maybe even pick them up and thumb through? Now that you know there is a picture of David Carradine on the internet are you frantically searching to find it? Maybe I am just rambling but think about it, you buy the papers,watch the news, and google the pics all which fuels the fire for more and more of the same.

Am I better than anyone else nahhhh just a different part of the problem and I just as judgemental as the next guy (see above). But I also have some very simple beliefs, I believe that no one’s higher power said be fruitful and kill everyone who is different from you. That’s another whole rant but as long as these types of stories show up on the yahoo, msn, or whatever home pages people out in the “real world” will be doing whatever it takes to keep it coming TRUST ME.



Anti American People

June 28, 2009

Wow where to start?  Ther is a tube site I frequent to watch and comment(and I won’t lie) on naked actress video clips. Well I have never seen how commenting on a T&A clip can turn into an all out battle of words concerning religon and politics. But what Quoting Peter Griffen “What Really Grinds My Gears” is the stupid American stuff I see on there, a kid playing with frogs gets a comment about how stupid Americans are to let their kids play with germ ridden creatures. What ever happened to letting  kid be a kid? The list goes on from there but the one that got me going and promted this rant is some moron decides to post (once again on a T&A clip) a paragraph about nudity is so unacceptble to us but showing people getting shot, blown up, or otherwisw killed is ok and what idiots we are for it. Well first of all I expect this comment came from some europian or other country the United States has rescued at one time or another and if ya want to run naked knock yourself out. Personally I love a tease the little peek aboo a girl dressed to the 9’s making my imagination run wild cause if you’re all naked kinda takes the mystery out of it don’t it? But still not the real point and I should have copied it so I could quote it, but goes on to say we were brainwashed, when we had brains, into thinking killing is ok. And compares The United States to Radical Islamists and says that we should just kill each other who needs us. Well to all of you ANTI AMERICANS KISS MY RED WHITE  AND BLUE ASS. I don’t completly agree with everything my country is doing but I still love it, do you agree with everything your family does, no but you still love them none the less. And when Long Duck Dong out of North Korea starts to threaten you who you ganna call not Ghost Busters. This person is trying to make all Americans sound like drooling idiots to whom all you have to do is hand a rifle and scream kill kill kill. This is the kind of stero typing that has the planet where it is right now, not all Muslims are radicals, not all of whoevere wants to see all of whoever dead(sorry I don’t keep up makes my head hurt), and certainly America is not packed wall to wall with stupid people. Even though you can’t tell by this rant but the last time I took a “real” IQ test I scored 135, the last semi-comprehensive one I took on line I did a 133. And I ain’t real bright so you might want to concider the ones who cure stuff and invent things. I can’t stop anybody from believing what they believe and I agree the US   should  probably stop trying to spread Democracy to countries who don’t want it, but you brainiacs who go on line and propigate the hate need to shut up. I don’t think the world can live in peace I have been here almost half a hundred years and have yet to see it, but if you are a half way intelligent thinking person keep your hatred to yourself. And I really expect this from Americans who want to slam other culters around, our moto used to be give me your sick your hungry your poor or something like that well times have changed that. But that doesn’t mean open hostilities to someone who is different, makes me sick, increase the peace or soon we will all be invited to step off the planet.

Hello world!

June 11, 2009

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